Using YepCode to publish a Snowflake query result into Airtable

Airtable and Snowflake are two of the big players in the modern databases ecosystem.
Their approach is quite different. Snowflake focus on data warehouse features allowing the management of enormous amounts of information in a faster and more flexible way than traditional databases. Airtable, on the other hand, is more similar to Excel on steroids, allowing to build powerful applications with a NoCode approach.
How can I move data from Snowflake to Airtable with YepCode?
In this post we'll show how YepCode may be used to move information between these two SaaS, creatinga generic process that receives the following input parameters:
- The Snowflake query to be executed
- The Airtable base & view names
- The (optional) mapping between Snowflake and Airtable column names
- A flag to decide if use streams instead of loading all query results in memory (more suitable for a great number of rows)
The process will start by opening the connection to Snowflake.
Then it will run the query in an asynchronous way (using JS promises).
When the query returns all the rows (or for each row in the streamed approach), it will create new entries in Airtable using the correct column mapping.
Ok, but too much text, show me code!
In this case, we are not doing a copy&paste of the full process code (as we have done in one previous post for Cryptocurrency dollar-cost averaging sample. Here, we only reference a public view of the process that is already created in our Sandbox account.
From that public page, you couldn't run the sample, but you only have to create your own YepCode account and create the needed Airtable and Snowflake credentials to start to use it!