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New integration from credential
const telegram = yepcode.integration.telegram('credential-slug');
New integration from plain authentication data
const { Bot } = require('grammy');

const telegram = new Bot("your-bot-token");

Set Webhook

You may want to receive messages to your bot using a webhook to a YepCode process which handles them. You can do this using this snippet:

Set webhook
await telegram.api.setWebhook("webhook-url");

You can also set the webhook by doing a request to this URL with your bot token and your webhook URL:<your-bot-token>/setWebhook?url=<your-team-name>/webhooks/<processId>

Set Bot Commands

Set bot commands
await telegram.api.setMyCommands([
{ command: "commandName", description: "Command description" },
{ command: "commandName", description: "Command description" },

Send Message

Send message
await telegram.api.sendMessage(chatId, "message-content");

Send HTML Message

Send HTML message
await telegram.api.sendMessage(
"<b>Hi</b> from <a href="">YepCode</a>!",
{ parse_mode: "HTML" }

Send Markdown Message

Send Markdown message
await telegram.api.sendMessage(
"*Hi* from [YepCode](\\!",
{ parse_mode: "MarkdownV2" }