All-in-one platform to centrally manage your scripts, SQL sentences and passwords in a secure and agile way. Enabling IT managers to have an overview and greater control of what is going on in development teams allowing to get world-class results.
Development teams build scripts, SQL queries and small programs that run only on their workstations to put out company daily fires.
In the long run it creates a lack of control because you don't know who developed it, when it was executed or how it is evolving.
This may also cause security risk having passwords and credentials spread along developer workstations.
It would be more productive to migrate all those scripts and SQL to a single development and execution platform under corporate oversight.
YepCode is the all-in-one platform to bring together these small pieces of software providing both the development and execution environment, in a serverless approach.
No more workstations working overnight with critical processes.
Keep all their scripts securely stored and accessible
No vendor lock-in building solutions with source code
Valuable hyper-vitaminized features:
Audit, scheduling, webhooks, logs, teams, CLI
Streamline any future development with our Recipes
We also help you migrate the initial scripts in a pair programming approach.
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