Frequently Asked Questions

Here we try to solve common doubts about how YepCode works.
If you don't find the answer to your questions, please let us know!

What is YepCode?
What are the benefits of YepCode over NoCode tools like Zapier or Integromat / Make?
What are the benefits of YepCode over deploying an Amazon Lambda function or building a project from scratch and deploying it on Heroku?
How do I get started?
What is a process?
What is an execution?
What is an integration?
Can I use my services behind a firewall from YepCode Saas?
Are my credentials stored securely?
Do I need to know how to write code to use YepCode?
What are the execution limits (time, memory & logs)?
How can I integrate YepCode with other apps?
Is it possible to reuse code between processes?
Where can I find some samples to get started?
Is it possible to use a language other than JavaScript?
I need to use a new service not yet supported, can you create an integration for it?
Is it possible to share a YepCode account for a multi-member development team?
Is it possible to export all my team processes implementation?
Does YepCode have Lock-in?
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example
This is Default State example