Import and Export
YepCode enables you to effortlessly import and export processes using the JSON format. This feature is highly advantageous, allowing you to quickly share processes and create local backups.
[Sample] Find SpaceX launches.json
"id": "0f32e404-d02a-4db7-83a1-603a1900622f",
"name": "[Sample] Find SpaceX launches",
"description": "This process retrieves SpaceX launches information and displays it in a textual format.",
"readme": null,
"script": {
"sourceCode": "const { context: { parameters } } = yepcode\nconst { DateTime } = require(\"luxon\");\n\nconst spacexClient = yepcode.integration.graphql('spacex-api')\n\nspacexClient.request(\n `\n query launchesPast($limit: Int) {\n launchesPast(limit: $limit) {\n mission_name\n launch_date_utc\n launch_site {\n site_name_long\n }\n links {\n video_link\n wikipedia\n }\n rocket {\n rocket_name\n rocket_type\n }\n launch_year\n launch_success\n }\n }\n `,\n { limit: parameters.limit }\n )\n .then((data) => {\n data.launchesPast.forEach((launch => {\n console.log(\"Mission \" + launch.mission_name + \" used a \" + launch.rocket.rocket_name + \" rocket, and took place on \" + DateTime.fromISO(launch.launch_date_utc).toRFC2822() + \", being the rocket launched from \" + launch.launch_site.site_name_long + \". \" + (launch.links.video_link ? \"You can see a video on \" + launch.links.video_link + \". \": \"\") + (launch.links.wikipedia ? \"Wikipedia page is available at \" + launch.links.wikipedia + \".\" : \"\"));\n }))\n })\n .catch((error) => {\n console.error(JSON.stringify(error, undefined, 2));\n throw error;\n });\n",
"parametersSchema": "{\"$schema\":\"\",\"type\":\"object\",\"title\":\"SpaceX launches process\",\"required\":[\"limit\"],\"properties\":{\"limit\":{\"type\":\"number\",\"description\":\"How many launches do you want to retrieve?\"}}}"
You can import from processes page by clicking on the cloud upload icon.

You can export from the process or processes pages by clicking Export as file
in the three dots menu.