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Network Access

When using YepCode integrations with a service that is not accessible from the internet, such as a Postgres server on your internal infrastructure or a REST API behind a firewall, you need to configure access to allow YepCode servers to connect.

Configure Your Firewall for YepCode Access

Configure your firewalls to allow connections from the IP for the required ports. This step ensures that YepCode integrations function seamlessly.

If altering your company's firewall rules is not feasible, we offer an alternative solution: tunneling.

YepCode Tunneling

We provide a tunneling system that exposes your ports for YepCode using SSH tunnels. The server side is available at the domain

To create a tunnel, open SSH tunnels on a computer with access to the target service and internet connectivity. You have two options: use any SSH client or, if you have Docker installed, run the client with a Docker image (recommended):

docker run --rm yepcode/tunnels-client:latest -V

The Docker image has 2 advantages:

  • It keeps retrying to reconnect if SSH tunnel connection is lost.
  • It implements a reverse HTTP proxy, rewriting the HTTP 'Host' header for local hostname matching when creating a tunnel to an HTTP service.

YepCode Tunnels Server Access

Server parameterss:

Port: 2222
Recommended ssh params:
- ExitOnForwardFailure=yes
- ServerAliveInterval=10
- ServerAliveCountMax=3

The tunnels server connection is private, and you need us to provide you with a private key. To obtain that private key, please contact us.

HTTP Tunnel Creation Sample

Suposse you want to expose an HTTP service running on You can use the following Docker run commands:

SSH client
ssh -o "ExitOnForwardFailure=yes"-o "ServerAliveInterval=10" -o "ServerAliveCountMax=3" \
-i /path/to/id_rsa_you_have_asked_for \
-p 2222 \
-R my-company-http-service:80:
Docker image, not using reverse proxy
docker run --rm -e ID_RSA=$(base64 -w 0 /path/to/id_rsa_you_have_asked_for) yepcode/tunnels-client:latest \
-R my-company-http-service:80:
Docker image, using reverse proxy
docker run --rm -e ID_RSA=$(base64 -w 0 /path/to/id_rsa_you_have_asked_for) yepcode/tunnels-client:latest \
--http my-company-http-service,

With this execution you'll see something like this:

Starting SSH Forwarding service for http:80. Forwarded connections can be accessed via the following methods:

If you open a network connection to, it will end up at your private service.

Note that this client process must be running whenever you want to use the integration.

TCP Tunnel Creation Sample

Suposse you want to expose a MySQL service available at You can use the following Docker run command:

docker run --rm -e ID_RSA=$(base64 -w 0 /path/to/id_rsa_you_have_asked_for) yepcode/tunnels-client:latest \
-R 12345:

With this execution you'll see something like this:

Starting SSH Forwarding service for tcp:12345. Forwarded connections can be accessed via the following methods:

Configure the YepCode integration with the host and port credentials as

You can combine multiple tunnels in one execution:

docker run --rm -e ID_RSA=$(base64 -w 0 /path/to/id_rsa_you_have_asked_for) yepcode/tunnels-client:latest \
--http my-company-http-service, \
--http my-company-https-service, \
-R 12345: \
-R 12346:

Docker Compose

Here is an example of docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3"

container_name: yepcode-tunnels
image: yepcode/tunnels-client:latest
restart: always
command: -R 12345:internal_server:3306 --http my-company-http-service,
- ID_RSA=... # write here id_rsa private key in base64 format