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Leverage existing solutions. The software development ecosystem offers a wealth of powerful libraries that can significantly enhance your development process and productivity.

To incorporate these libraries into your YepCode processes, simply specify the package name and version in the dedicated editor accessible through your team settings. This streamlined approach allows you to effortlessly integrate and utilize external dependencies:


Custom packages can be configured in some of our paid plans. Free plans have access to a curated set of pre-installed libraries (the ones on the read-only editor), while higher paid plans offer the flexibility to add and manage custom dependencies.

We allow to use any npmjs packages, that must be provided with the package.json format.

Custom dependencies will be installed during the first process execution after any package change. This initial execution will take more time as we need to install the dependencies on our side but subsequent executions will be faster as the dependencies will be cached.

If you have any issue with dependencies installation (like for example using a private package from some private registry), please contact us.